Finca Saquifrancia
Finca Saquifrancia is located 31 km / 39 minutes from Finca Heimatlos.
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Looking for cocoa and chocolate near Puyo?
Agro Touristic Trail, teaching the process of production, industrialization and cocoa plantations. It also has a biodiverse citrus and timber forest. Enjoy nature as well as delicious chocolate. It has a physical store where you can buy its products.
Low difficulty tour of 1 hour where the post-harvest of cocoa and the elaboration of chocolate are explained.
Calle Saquifrancia and Selva Alegre in Puyo, Ecuador.
Monday to Sunday from 9h to 12h. and from 14:00 to 17:00.
$3.50, includes a tasting.
Location of Finca Saquifrancia on Google Maps:
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